This belt allows the wearer to walk directly in front of a vehicle, be it truck, SUV, or MRAP and not be hurt in any way. In addition, it protects you from angry drivers when walking down the middle of the road.
Reflective belts are required to enter the DFAC, PX, gym, or any MWR facility when it is dark. Originally this was just required of soldiers, but the rule has since been expanded to include everyone. The punishment for not wearing one? Being refused entry and forced to go back to your room (without a reflective belt) to retrieve it. Notable quirks in the rules include that PT uniforms with imbedded reflective material still require a reflective belt, and that reflective vests are also allowed in place of a belt. The proper method of wearing the belt is said to be over your right shoulder, slanting to the left side of your body. For those interested in learning more about the powers provided when wearing a reflective belt, there is a facebook page dedicated to this topic. There are also several webpages with humor and comments available for those not on facebook.