Here's my first time standing on them. I had not been on skis this length since I hurt my knee. So far, so good. This little avenue is the stretch between the Easy Rider magic carpet and Green Acres. We are, of course, on our way to Green Acres because I'm too chicken to start with the Roundabout and West Ten Mile runs I had completed on the 130s with Steve.
Here's Jeff at the top of Green Acres. You can see that it was a really nice day. You can also see that Green Acres is nice and gentle--a great place to get my ski legs.
We moved on to bigger and better slopes after I got the hang of it. Here, Jeff is adjusting his ski on the wrench bench. Jeff got new skis too, ones that are more suitable for powder. They are shorter and a little wider and rounder than his other skis. So far he really likes them.
We ended up doing four hours worth of runs. I didn't want to stop for lunch! Here's me with my victory salute. Yay! It was a great day and I didn't fall on my new skis at all.
Rather than looking at me in this picture, check out the homes on the right hand side. These are new Lewis Ranch homes that are either for vacation rental or for purchase. They are ski-in/ski-out and are really super nice. I don't know what the rentals cost, but I was surprised to see that some Lewis Ranch properties were for sale for between $3 and $4M, which is less than I expected. Fodder for future dreams...
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